Why Write This Report

It is no secret that abortion remains one of the most difficult and polarizing issues facing our country.  Each side argues its case, but it often seems that we are talking past each other and the problem remains as intractable as ever.

As a pro-lifer I believe we can make the most progress by influencing the views of open-minded people on the pro-choice side.  I think the first step is to address the human life issue in an objective way, dealing only with facts.  The purpose of this report is to present the facts.

Both pro-life and pro-choice people agree that it is wrong to take a human life.  Our country has laws against doing this.  So, then the question: “Is the unborn child a human life?”

To provide an objective framework for talking about the human life issue, I gathered scientific information from many sources that lays out the step-by-step development of the unborn child.  In doing so I was amazed at what science has learned about this awesome process.  In particular, I had no idea how much development occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, especially during the first eight weeks, when virtually all of the organs and tissues of the body are formed.

Science for Unborn Human Life provides a great deal of data describing the development of the child’s body during the early period of pregnancy.  Early data are particularly important since a 2013 Centers for Disease Control report estimated that 66% of abortions take place within the first eight weeks after conception and 92% are performed within the first 13 weeks.

Information is also presented herein about the development of the child’s body past eight weeks as well as data describing the development of the senses (including pain), movements and learning patterns.

In my view this information is complementary to striking ultrasound images, which are often taken later in gestation.  SFUHL also complements ultrasound in that the former focuses on what’s going on inside the unborn child while the latter provides external images.  Together, I believe they provide powerful evidence of the unborn child’s humanity.  I invite others to consider the information presented in Science for Unborn Human Life. The sources for all the data can be found in the appendices.

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